Via KYC Connect®


Blockpass is building trust in Crypto offering crypto-native compliance tools.

Utilizing Blockpass’ crypto-native KYC tools, customers can instantly launch regulatory compliant KYC, KYB & AML verification for DeFi, exchanges & blockchains, and Travel Rule provision for regulated VASPs. With its portable KYC/AML identity profiles, Blockpass also has a decentralized network of nearly a million crypto-enthusiasts that can join your platform easily with their verified reusable profiles.

Why choose Blockpass KYC Connect®?

Blockpass KYC is the solution you've been searching for. Benefit from cutting-edge KYC technology that stops fraud in its tracks. Plus, our affordable pricing ensures you stay compliant without breaking the bank. Get started instantly with zero setup costs or integration hassles. Blockpass KYC is the smarter choice for efficient and secure KYC processes.

  • kyc-connect-category-img1.svg
    Stops fraud
  • kyc-connect-category-img1.svg
    Affordable pricing
  • kyc-connect-category-img1.svg
    Start instantly
  • kyc-connect-category-img1.svg
    Crypto-native compliance
  • kyc-connect-category-img1.svg
    No integration needed
  • kyc-connect-category-img1.svg
    No setup cost

Crypto compliance solutions

On-Chain KYC®

Pioneering service where businesses can conduct zero-knowledge identity verification and on-chain compliance checks without keeping data, so businesses can KYC users in an anonymous, data-free way.

Node Sale KYC

A tailored KYC solution for node sales that streamlines compliance, verifying all participants and meeting regulatory requirements. Node sale compliance is complex but Blockpass makes simpler and efficient.

Unhosted Wallet KYCTM

First-to-market service adhering to Crypto Travel rule for non-custodial crypto wallets. Integrated with Metamask, Wallet Connect, and Coinbase crypto wallets, customers can verify that users own and control their crypto address.

VASP-2-VASP Portal

Deal with any regulated Virtual Asset Service Provider! Join the VASP-2-VASP portal and transact with any regulated VASP, regardless of their Travel Rule Protocol via intelligent protocol selection and address autogeneration.

On-Chain KYC®

On-Chain KYC® is a pioneering service where businesses can conduct zero-knowledge identity verification and on-chain compliance checks without keeping data, enabling them to validate users in an anonymous, data-free way. DeFi and Crypto companies want to mitigate money-laundering (AML) risk on the Blockchain. Blockpass offers businesses a focused solution for on-chain verification of users without collection of their data.

  • Through On-Chain KYC®, Blockpass enterprise customers can choose to avoid collecting their user's data.

  • User's data is verified, but then it is deleted after onboarding completes.

  • A record of the verification result associated with the user is kept by Blockpass only.

  • Enterprises can request result via API or result can be delivered on Blockchain.

Unhosted Wallet KYCTM

A first-to-market service adhering to Crypto Travel rule for non-custodial crypto wallets. Integrated with Metamask, Wallet Connect, and Coinbase crypto wallets, customers can verify that users own and control their crypto addresses.

What is the Unhosted Wallet KYC™️ product?

This solution enables a facility whereby crypto businesses can look up whether a unhosted wallet is verified or not and request the KYC data.

What organizations need this solution?

Any crypto business or organization providing crypto services, also known as “virtual asset service providers (VASP)” (FATF term) or “crypto-asset service providers” (EU term).

How do you start using Blockpass Unhosted Wallet KYC™️ solution?

The setup is easy and fast! Any crypto businesses or crypto service provider just needs to create a Business Account on Blockpass’ KYC Connect® and select Enterprise Level.

Crypto KYC organization

How does Unhosted Wallet KYC™️ work?

Simple! This solution enables transactions between crypto businesses and their users with unhosted wallets to be compliant. The workflow for the Unhosted Wallet KYC™️ process is as follows:

  • Crypto business sets up Blockpass account and adds Blockpass KYC Button to their website.
  • If not already compliant, users complete KYC for their unhosted wallet on Blockpass’ platform and verify ownership through a digital signature using their crypto address.
  • Blockpass verifies the signature of the crypto address and verifies the KYC of the user.
  • The relevant crypto business checks the KYC result and crypto address status of their users with Blockpass.
  • The transaction then can be completed.
  • How do you start using Blockpass Unhosted Wallet KYC™️ solution?
  • The setup is easy and fast! Any crypto businesses or crypto service provider just needs to create a Business Account on Blockpass’ KYC Connect® and select Enterprise Level.

VASP-2-VASP Portal

In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency and digital assets, seamless communication and collaboration among Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) are vital. VASP-2-VASP is designed to facilitate secure and efficient interactions between VASPs, simplifying compliance, enhancing transparency, and strengthening the integrity of the virtual asset space.

  • Deal with any VASP

    Join the VASP-2-VASP portal and transact with any regulated VASP, regardless of their Travel Rule readiness or type of Travel Rule Protocol (TRP).

  • Transaction approval & decline

    Approve or decline transactions before they take place and minimize troublesome token quarantining. Easily check the status of communication between you and your counterparty VASP.

  • Intelligent TRP selection

    Insightly detect communication protocol required to easily transact with any VASPs regardless of their level of Travel Rule fulfillment.

  • Partner onboarding

    Create a partner once in your account, transact effortlessly and setup automatic allowlists for VASPs.

  • Manage VASP customers

    Prepare customers for Travel Rule provision, with “off-the-shelf” automatic Travel Rule address determination.

Individual & organizational solutions for you

Crypto KYC Post KYC

Know Your Customer (KYC)

For checking individual users, use Blockpass KYC Connect®console to immediately and effortlessly manage your KYC & AML onboarding processes… or have Blockpass do it for you!

Crypto KYC Post KYB

Know Your Business (KYB)

Blockpass KYB checks make data comparison based on company docs provided, perform corporate AML checks and determine the controllers of the business. Includes faster, simpler forms completion.

Signing up to Blockpass is quick and easy

  • Fully automated

    The entire process of signing up to KYC Connect® is now fully automated, from beginning to the end.

  • Quick and simple process

    Fast track your way to a professional KYC solution. We’ve streamlined the process to get you up and running faster.

  • Easy access to information

    Online signups allow you to access all information, legal and technical documents from our portal.

  • Easy to integrate

    Blockpass KYC Connect® service, you simply plug a solution into an already existing infrastructure and get going.

Blockchains supported

A powerful and flexible out-of-the-box tool for onboarding

Seamless onboarding of your customers using Blockpass secure eKYC system. Blockpass users create a pre-verified identity before signing up for your service, meaning that documentation delivery and verification is streamlined. The Blockpass ecosystem has an existing pool of pre-verified users interested in new fintech opportunities and services.