
New Year, New Uses, New Accolades

January 30, 2024

We’re not even through the first month of 2024 and yet Blockpass is already hard at work developing new solutions, monitoring regulatory developments, and improving current solutions even further. Importantly though, Blockpass is continuing to bring its services to new companies and their user bases as we partner and integrate with a number of next-generation businesses: Bitstarters, SingularityDAO and Sonar. 

New Year, New Uses, New Accolades

BitStarters - Blockpass

Bitstarters, a decentralized multichain launchpad designed to allow users to discover and gain early access to new promising web3 projects, announced its strategic partnership with Blockpass which is now the protocol’s KYC provider. The announcement was made in a tweet on the 9th of January and received well by the community who recognised the vital nature of ensuring trust, security and compliance in the crypto space. By implementing Blockpass’ unique KYC solution, Bitstarters will enable its users to instantly onboard to any new projects they discover on the launchpad.

SingularityDAO - Blockpass

The next day, SingularityDAO, the DeFi powered by AI that seeks to manage users’ crypto portfolios, revealed its Blockpass integration which will bring seamless compliance to the platform as its users navigate the potential of the crypto-space. The decentralized Portfolio Management Protocol will use Blockpass’ KYC solutions to ensure users are able to safely and simply manage their crypto assets and can leverage recent developments in Blockpass’ products to enable easier, automated solutions.

Sonar - Blockpass

Sonar is the third company to choose Blockpass’ solutions this month as it unveiled its technical  partnership with Blockpass in order to support its ICO during the private sale with vital, seamless and effective KYC. Sonar aims to make DeFi accessible to all through its decentralized operating system for Web3 which gives users the tools to grow wealth. 

Not only have these three companies partnered with Blockpass to facilitate their exciting new projects in a smooth, effective and safe manner, but others that have used Blockpass for their business’ KYC needs have lauded Blockpass, with a recent review from Funfair Ventures CFO Michael O’Connor highlighting the qualities of the experience as: ‘Clear communication, great UI / UX, very smooth’. 

With businesses ramping back up after the Christmas holidays, Blockpass expects many more to start integrating and partnering for the best KYC solutions available - including Blockpass’ new Advanced KYC Bot(™), particularly as the new year looks to be one where regulation and security will be a focus for the crypto and blockchain ecosystems as a whole. 

Blockpass has grown significantly in size and use since its inception, both in the number and range of users and organizations it has partnered with and the scope of its work. Blockpass continues to develop its digital identity protocol with updates and additions to improve the compliance experience. The existential need for DeFi projects to be regulatory compliant and the recent integrations and legal developments have led to a surge in interest for Blockpass’ On-Chain KYC®, the only live zero knowledge solution for Crypto KYC, and Unhosted Wallet KYCTM solution finally enabling blockchains and DeFi platforms to have a compliance layer. For  Animoca Brands and Yuga Labs’ Otherside NFT minting in 2022, Blockpass exclusively started the first zero knowledge KYC service where the delivery of the verification result is provably sent without sharing the underlying data. 

About Blockpass

Ditch tedious onboarding and say hello to seamless compliance with Blockpass, the ultimate turnkey solution for KYC, KYB, and AML. Experience the market's most efficient and cost-effective compliance suite, built by seasoned compliance veterans and crypto-natives. Automate compliance processes, eradicate fraud, and onboard globally with confidence. Verify businesses worldwide, launch bank-grade verification for your organization, and instantly activate compliant KYC/AML for DeFi, exchanges, token launchpads, NFT mintings and beyond. Through Blockpass’ decentralized network of a million pre-verified crypto-enthusiasts and a thousand pre-verified businesses, you can expand your reach effortlessly. Leverage Advanced KYC BotTM for intelligent remediation, On-Chain KYC® for data-free anonymity, and Unhosted Wallet KYCTM to meet Crypto Travel Rule regulations. Join Animoca Brands, Cardano, Polygon, Chainlink, Delta Exchange, National Geographic, TinyTap, Seedify, ChainGPT, Iskra and many more in partnering with Blockpass for compliance you can trust, growth you can accelerate and an experience you can enjoy. Join the cutting edge of secure, streamlined onboardings.

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